Mbaise Union Europe, We Are Our Brother's Keeper

We, the indigenous people of Mbaise of Imo state in the Federal Republic of Nigeria, united by a common heritage and culture resident in Europe, have firmly agreed to form a non-profit-making socio-cultural association. Mbaise Union Europe, was Inaugurated on the 4th of October 2018 in Paris, France by His Excellency, Rt. Hon. Emeka Ihedioha CON, KSC together with Hon. S.O.S Echendu, President Mbaise USA and Chief Wilson Iwu, Chairman, Board Of Delegate Mbaise USA INC. Mbaise Union Europe was registered in October 2019 under the “law of 1st July 1901” with the mission to organize meetings, demonstrations, various activities and to find our people in Europe for mutual aid and humanity. The association is known as ‘Mbaise Union Europe (MUE), herein referred to as “Mbaise Europe.” The union adopts the symbol of “a clenched human fist, as LOGO” to represent our common heritage, brotherhood, unity and our harmonious relationship. The union has a motto: ‘Peace, Unity and Progress ‘bonded by the slogan: “Mbaise-idinotu na Oganihu!”

Mbaise Europe is established for the express purpose of fostering a broad social, cultural and economic interest of Mbaise people, such as promoting all activities related to the unity of Mbaise citizens.

Mbaise Europe propagates and preserves the culture of Mbaise, educating and informing our people about matters that affect or involve them. We champion and improve the welfare of our people through our forum where ideas are exchanged among Mbaise people in Europe.

Mbaise Europe improves or preserves our youths positively as the association deems fit. Mbaise Europe seeks to sponsor and encourage on an ongoing basis all protocols or activities that enhance the unity, culture, education and empowerment of Mbaise citizens. Stimulate and encourage interest and participation among members in promoting development and progress of Ndi Mbaise in Mbaise at home and abroad.



Our Mission

Our mission is to build an Mbaise with collective efforts of all our sons and daughters in Europe and the world all over, for the benefits of the Mbaise Nation. To create an environment where every Mbaise indigene is free irrespective of his or her economic or educational status to offer his or her opinion and will be respected and dignified because we are our brother’s keeper, we want equality and fairness to reigns among us.

Our Vision

For an Mbaise man, happiness is paramount. This is what we want to achieve for Mbaise Nation all over by our individual contribution because together we are strong. As an Mbaise man, we were born into a culture that took generations to create; it has now become our responsibility to create what we will leave behind for our children. It is our job and responsibility to build the foundations necessary for our great grandchildren to feel the same way about the world where they are born. We want to transfer the norms and values of traditions and culture of Mbaise for posterity. We will instil in our children the ability to love and uphold the culture and traditions of our people, for them to tell posterity what we have told them?


Mbaise Europe is formed purposely to realize broad socio-cultural and economic objectives of Mbaise indigenous people who live and do diverse endeavors in the entire European Union/ countries as itemized below to:

a) Promote all activities related to the general unity and brotherhood of Mbaise people in Europe.
b) Propagate and preserve the culture of Mbaiseland.
c) Handle welfare and socio-cultural matters which may, from time to time, concern mbaise Families in Europe.
d) Provide a forum for the exchange of ideas among members.
e) Guide our youth positively, sponsor activities and projects that would bring development, unity, peace and progress to mbaiseland as well as provide empowerment to our youth.
f) Stimulate and encourage participation of members in socio-cultural events being organized in Europe and back home in Mbaise communities.
g) Engage in all other activities that members may consider as beneficial to them. For example, to encourage and promote marriages between our sons and daughters.

Mbaise Union Europe

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News Feed



2022 Launching of Constitution, Frankfurt

News 2022 Launching of Constitution. Frankfurt, Germany



2019 Convention, Antwerp

News 2019 MUE Convention Antwerp, Belgium



2018 MUE Inauguration, Paris

News 2018 MUE Inauguration. Paris, France